Parliament House, Canberra.
Auto Services Group provided policy advice to former Senator Ricky Muir, and has been actively involved in the stakeholder consultation process for the Road Vehicle Services Act (which governs all aspects of vehicle importation) since 2013, regularly meeting with departmental officials from the federal Department of Infrastructure and Transport, as well as a number of MPs, senators and advisers prior to, and since, the Act’s introduction in late 2018.
While this involvement meant a significant investment in both resources and administration time, we believe it has been crucial to forming and developing strong relationships with a range of government officials and politicians, as well as bringing a range of fundamental changes to the Act that have benefited the imported vehicle industry. These relationships also mean we are able to consult with key stakeholders, across a range of federal and state portfolios, when approached to assist with challenging importation scenarios that fall outside of the existing eligibility requirements.
At a broader, policy-based level, Auto Services Group is also able to advocate on behalf of businesses and companies negatively impacted by government decisions and changes to regulations. If your company is experiencing difficulties resolving issues related to vehicle importation, please contact us to see if we are able to provide assistance.